this site is being rebuilt from the ground up! maria falling just like me when my new idea hit me

Good question, person who never asked! Why did I just "delete" my whole website I've been obsessing over for months? Well, I didn't delete it, I would cry, you can find it here. I really want to do a new layout, but I don't understand Javascript and don't have the artistic ability to get all the graphics in my computer. So, i'll just hide the website, hold the original one open, and work on the new one in the background. Genius, I know. What isn't genius is that I might be only able to write code back at home... man... Here's the guestbook. Thanks for reading. (Written Dec 14, 2024, Updated 12/20/24) Update: The new layout is 25% done!!

Tip for myself: use Inspect instead of View Page Source, then scroll to the top where elements are.